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Banking and financial system in Tunisia
- General information :
- All banks supervised by the Central bank
- Strict application of international ratios and standards
- Guarantee of the bank secrecy
- Protected system of payment on line (with the assistance of the Electronic National Agency of Certification - ANCE)
- Signature by Tunisia of conventions with the majority of countries for the protection of the investment and the guarantee of repatriation of the capital
- Offshore Banks :
- Citibank
- North African International Bank - NAIB
- Arab Banking Corporation -ABC
- Tunis International Bank - TIB
- …
- Local banks :
- Amen Bank
- Arab Tunisian Bank – ATB
- Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie BIAT
- Ettijari Bank (Wafa Group/Santander bank)
- Union Internationale de Banques – UIB (Société Générale Group )
- Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et l'Industrie – UBCI (Group BNP PARIBAS /BNL)
- Banque Franco Tunisienne - BFT
- Société Tunisienne de Banque STB
- Banque Nationale Agricole – BNA
- Banque de l’Habitat – BH
- Banque Tuniso Koweitienne – BTK (Groupe Français Caisse d’épargne)
- Banque Tuniso Emirati - BTE
- …
- Financial institutions :
- Corresponding offices :
- Banca Intesa
- Banca di Roma
- Monte di Paschi di Siena
- Agrileasing Banca
- …
- Leasing companies
- Tunisie Leasing
- Arab Tunisian Leasing - ATL
- Compagnie Internationale de Leasing - CIL
- Hannibal Leasing
- Modern Leasing
- General Leasing
- …